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Philosophy ︎︎︎

Currently ->

PhD candidate Tilburg University (2023- now)
Philosophy department

Talks ->

Paper presentation at the Nordic Society for Phenomenology, 20th annual conference. Trondheim, Norway (17 June 2024)

Nacht van de filosofie. Theater de Nieuwe Vorst, Tilburg
(13 April 2024). Organized by Theater de Nieuwe Vorst, and Department of Philosophy Tilburg University 

Nacht van de filosofie, Vleehal Middelburg (12 April 2024). Organized by HZ University of Applied Sciences, University College Roosevelt, Vleeshal and ZB Bibliotheek van Zeeland

Degrees ->

Master Philosophy of Humanity and Culture, Tilburg University

Premaster Philosophy of Humanity and Culture, Tilburg University (2019-2020) 


Master’s thesis ->

Derrida, Merleau-Ponty and Contemporary Painterly Practices: The Borders and Limits of Painting and the Interrogation of Perception 

Prizes and nominations ->

2021 - DFI MA thesis prize (Philosophy department), Tilburg University
Joint winner  

2021 - MA thesis award TiU, Tilburg University
Nominated on behalf of TSHD 

2022 - Jan Brouwer Scriptieprijs (Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen)
Nominated on behalf of TSHD (Academic year 2020/2021)

Other ->

Guest in episode #13 of philosophy podcast Ik zie, ik zie, filosofie! by Bastiaan Keemink and Bram Medelli 
December 8, 2021

© Lisa van Sorge 2024